What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a gentle, relaxing method of therapy that allows you to make positive changes in your life. It's about discovering who you really are. Many people in the world today are confused about who they are, or don't like a certain behavior or aspect of themselves, or find it difficult to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Through hypnotherapy, not only will you be able to make the changes that you want to make, but you will also, as a wonderful side benefit, discover parts of yourself that you forgot were there. Did I mention the incredible soothing relaxation experience!? During hypnotherapy, you will discover YOU: not the you that you look at in the mirror every morning, but the YOU that knows what will make you happy, the YOU that not only knows what your dreams are but knows how to achieve them in your own unique style, as well. How does hypnotherapy accomplish all that? By helping you access the part of you that has the answers to these questions.
Who Benefits from Hypnotherapy?
People who want to a) change their lives, b) unlock their potentials, c) understand themselves better, d) release themselves from the past, e) stop destructive habits, f) manage their health, g) find their authentic self, etc. Many people go about their daily lives in reaction mode, working in jobs or careers that don't fulfill them, repeating behaviors that they find impossible to understand and change, and searching for a way to understand themselves and their lives better. Some have a spiritual longing and are ready to unlock their potential, discover why they are on this planet, and/or remember their Spiritual Mission. Others want to heal from difficult or traumatic pasts, whether during childhood in this life or an event that occurred in their past life. Still others are looking for ways to manage their chronic pain, deal with a debilitating illness, or stop a habit or behavior. Hypnotherapy has been found to be successful in all of these areas. People vary widely in their ability to respond to hypnotic suggestions. As with all therapies, hypnosis may not succeed in all cases, and is not recommended at this time in memory retrieval.
Is Hypnosis Right for Me?
Do you believe there is a reason for and a solution to your problem?
Have you ever daydreamed, as a child or adult?
Are you able to follow along with a story?
Are you open to exploring your beliefs and intentions?
Are you able to follow directions or instructions from a trusted person?
Are you willing to receive help?
Do you believe it's possible for a person to make changes in his/her life through the power of his/her mind?
Do you enjoy reading fiction or watching a movie and getting involved in the story?
Are you able to sit or lie still for 15-25 minutes?
If you were to imagine sucking on a sour, bitter, juicy, yellow lemon, would your mouth begin to water?
Have you ever meditated or went into a deep state of relaxation?
Do you feel strongly committed to making a change in your life?
If you answered "Yes" to all questions...you are a perfect candidate for hypnosis. You are intelligent, creative, able to trust others, and fully committed to making a change in your life.
If you answered "Yes" to 8-10 of the questions...you are a good candidate for hypnosis services. We may need to use a bit more effort to help you to relax and feel comfortable with the process. If changing this part of your life is a high priority for you, full steam ahead!
If you answered "Yes" to 7 or less of the questions...you may have a difficult time believing in the power of your own mind, and that hypnosis is a useful and powerful tool for you. Feel free to contact me to discuss your concerns through a free phone consultation.
How Does Hypnotherapy Work?
The goal of hypnotherapy is to access the subconscious mind and uncover the cause of our health, emotional, and behavioral problems. We have two minds: a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind observes, interprets, and interacts with people, activities, and events in the outer world, while the subconscious mind is involved in our "inner world." It remembers every event that has ever happened to us from the day we were born, along with the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that occurred during those events. These events and our reactions to them become the impetus for how we interact with the outside world, including in our relationships with other people. Our beliefs about the world drives our behavior. The problem is that it can be difficult to accept that a situation is caused by our own belief, let alone try to discover that belief. One way to successful way to uncover our beliefs is through hypnotherapy.
A typical hypnotherapy session involves relaxation, visualization, and a dialogue between the client and therapist. Most of the "work" of hypnotherapy is done within the subconscious mind. By using relaxation and visualization, we bypass the conscious mind, which is used to being in charge, and instead "speak" to the subconscious mind through the language it understands: metaphors, symbols, and feelings. This is referred to as going into a "trance." We all go in and out of trance states every day without realizing it, e.g. while watching TV or a movie, driving in our car, listening intently to a speech, reading a book, etc. Hypnotherapy involves going into a trance on purpose in order to "talk" to the subconscious mind.
Hypnotherapy is not "talk" therapy, cognitive therapy, or psychoanalysis: all therapeutic methods that interact with the conscious mind. Hypnosis gives the conscious mind a temporary "vacation" from having to analyze and worry about things, and lets the subconscious mind provide you with the information you need to introduce the positive changes in your life that you are looking for. This is achieved through the use of imagery and positive suggestions that are made directly to the subconscious mind. There is a certain amount of talking necessary in order to discuss the issues, personal history, etc., but talking is not the main approach in hypnotherapy.
What Are the Laws that Govern the Practice of Hypnotherapy?
This link will take you to the page that lists the laws that must be followed in each state for practicing hypnotherapy.
How Many Sessions Will it Take?
Hypnotherapy typically requires from 1 to 5 sessions, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the complexity of the issue or if there are multiple issues to be worked on. Each situation is unique unto itself.
(Note: Past Life Regressions are done upon request or permission by a client, and after a client has already been through at least two Hypnotherapy Sessions.)
Sessions range from 60-90 minutes, though Past Life Regressions may take a little longer. Payment is due at each session and can be paid with cash, check, credit, and debit card. Returned check fees are $40/check. Home visits are an extra $25/session for travel and related expenses. Sliding scale rates and pro-bono options are available depending on the situation.*
*Insurance is not accepted at this time. However, I can provide you with the information required for reimbursement from your insurance carrier.
Hypnotherapy is a gentle, relaxing method of therapy that allows you to make positive changes in your life. It's about discovering who you really are. Many people in the world today are confused about who they are, or don't like a certain behavior or aspect of themselves, or find it difficult to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Through hypnotherapy, not only will you be able to make the changes that you want to make, but you will also, as a wonderful side benefit, discover parts of yourself that you forgot were there. Did I mention the incredible soothing relaxation experience!? During hypnotherapy, you will discover YOU: not the you that you look at in the mirror every morning, but the YOU that knows what will make you happy, the YOU that not only knows what your dreams are but knows how to achieve them in your own unique style, as well. How does hypnotherapy accomplish all that? By helping you access the part of you that has the answers to these questions.
Who Benefits from Hypnotherapy?
People who want to a) change their lives, b) unlock their potentials, c) understand themselves better, d) release themselves from the past, e) stop destructive habits, f) manage their health, g) find their authentic self, etc. Many people go about their daily lives in reaction mode, working in jobs or careers that don't fulfill them, repeating behaviors that they find impossible to understand and change, and searching for a way to understand themselves and their lives better. Some have a spiritual longing and are ready to unlock their potential, discover why they are on this planet, and/or remember their Spiritual Mission. Others want to heal from difficult or traumatic pasts, whether during childhood in this life or an event that occurred in their past life. Still others are looking for ways to manage their chronic pain, deal with a debilitating illness, or stop a habit or behavior. Hypnotherapy has been found to be successful in all of these areas. People vary widely in their ability to respond to hypnotic suggestions. As with all therapies, hypnosis may not succeed in all cases, and is not recommended at this time in memory retrieval.
Is Hypnosis Right for Me?
Do you believe there is a reason for and a solution to your problem?
Have you ever daydreamed, as a child or adult?
Are you able to follow along with a story?
Are you open to exploring your beliefs and intentions?
Are you able to follow directions or instructions from a trusted person?
Are you willing to receive help?
Do you believe it's possible for a person to make changes in his/her life through the power of his/her mind?
Do you enjoy reading fiction or watching a movie and getting involved in the story?
Are you able to sit or lie still for 15-25 minutes?
If you were to imagine sucking on a sour, bitter, juicy, yellow lemon, would your mouth begin to water?
Have you ever meditated or went into a deep state of relaxation?
Do you feel strongly committed to making a change in your life?
If you answered "Yes" to all questions...you are a perfect candidate for hypnosis. You are intelligent, creative, able to trust others, and fully committed to making a change in your life.
If you answered "Yes" to 8-10 of the questions...you are a good candidate for hypnosis services. We may need to use a bit more effort to help you to relax and feel comfortable with the process. If changing this part of your life is a high priority for you, full steam ahead!
If you answered "Yes" to 7 or less of the questions...you may have a difficult time believing in the power of your own mind, and that hypnosis is a useful and powerful tool for you. Feel free to contact me to discuss your concerns through a free phone consultation.
How Does Hypnotherapy Work?
The goal of hypnotherapy is to access the subconscious mind and uncover the cause of our health, emotional, and behavioral problems. We have two minds: a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind observes, interprets, and interacts with people, activities, and events in the outer world, while the subconscious mind is involved in our "inner world." It remembers every event that has ever happened to us from the day we were born, along with the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that occurred during those events. These events and our reactions to them become the impetus for how we interact with the outside world, including in our relationships with other people. Our beliefs about the world drives our behavior. The problem is that it can be difficult to accept that a situation is caused by our own belief, let alone try to discover that belief. One way to successful way to uncover our beliefs is through hypnotherapy.
A typical hypnotherapy session involves relaxation, visualization, and a dialogue between the client and therapist. Most of the "work" of hypnotherapy is done within the subconscious mind. By using relaxation and visualization, we bypass the conscious mind, which is used to being in charge, and instead "speak" to the subconscious mind through the language it understands: metaphors, symbols, and feelings. This is referred to as going into a "trance." We all go in and out of trance states every day without realizing it, e.g. while watching TV or a movie, driving in our car, listening intently to a speech, reading a book, etc. Hypnotherapy involves going into a trance on purpose in order to "talk" to the subconscious mind.
Hypnotherapy is not "talk" therapy, cognitive therapy, or psychoanalysis: all therapeutic methods that interact with the conscious mind. Hypnosis gives the conscious mind a temporary "vacation" from having to analyze and worry about things, and lets the subconscious mind provide you with the information you need to introduce the positive changes in your life that you are looking for. This is achieved through the use of imagery and positive suggestions that are made directly to the subconscious mind. There is a certain amount of talking necessary in order to discuss the issues, personal history, etc., but talking is not the main approach in hypnotherapy.
What Are the Laws that Govern the Practice of Hypnotherapy?
This link will take you to the page that lists the laws that must be followed in each state for practicing hypnotherapy.
How Many Sessions Will it Take?
Hypnotherapy typically requires from 1 to 5 sessions, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the complexity of the issue or if there are multiple issues to be worked on. Each situation is unique unto itself.
(Note: Past Life Regressions are done upon request or permission by a client, and after a client has already been through at least two Hypnotherapy Sessions.)
Sessions range from 60-90 minutes, though Past Life Regressions may take a little longer. Payment is due at each session and can be paid with cash, check, credit, and debit card. Returned check fees are $40/check. Home visits are an extra $25/session for travel and related expenses. Sliding scale rates and pro-bono options are available depending on the situation.*
*Insurance is not accepted at this time. However, I can provide you with the information required for reimbursement from your insurance carrier.